'Tis the Season: December Updates
Hi everyone! Claire here. It's taken me a minute--as you may know, I'm new in my role as Campus Minister since September--but the UKirk Nashville weblog is officially back! I'm hoping to update monthly with ministry highlights, information about upcoming events, ways our friends and supporters can pray, and more.
We've had a busy fall! Here's our most recent newsletter to give you an idea of what we've been up to. If you want to be on our mailing list and receive newsletters to your inbox, message me (campusminister@ukirknashville.org).
A recent gathering with students and board members to celebrate Advent; a Thursday night dinner; hiking at Radnor Lake.
Upcoming Events
In January, several students and I will be attending the Montreat College Conference. The theme of the conference--"What's Next?"--could not be more timely. I'm excited for our group to be together in such a beautiful, spiritual locale, with opportunities to learn, grow, and meet other young adults trying to figure out the life of faith.
In March, you're invited to join us for Soul & Spirits, our annual celebration for our friends and supporters. Please save the date for Thursday evening, March 24, 2022, venue TBA. We're so grateful to be holding this beloved event again after a necessary pandemic-related hiatus in 2021.
Prayer Requests
Your prayers are precious to us. This month, I want to invite you to pray in particular for students as they are completing final exams and assignments and preparing to return home for winter break. Here's a place to start, from Terry J. Stokes' new book Prayers for the People. (Terry, a minister in New Jersey, writes traditional "collect" prayers on contemporary topics.)
"For Before a Big Test"
O Christ, who as a youth showed thyself learned in the wisdom valued by thy people, whose abilities of creative reasoning and rhetoric were later constantly put to the test, we pray for those taking standardized or comprehensive exams. Give them calm and clarity of recall. Enable them to showcase the breadth and depth of their preparation. And though this moment looms large now, help them to zoom out and see that what ultimately defines their value and trajectory is not this exam, but rather the providence of our [Creator] who reigns with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen."*
Terry J. Stokes, Prayers for the People, New York: Convergent, 2021, p. 108.
Grace & Peace,