Signs of Spring: February Updates
Hi everyone! Claire here with your bi-monthly blog including UKirk Nashville's ministry highlights, information about upcoming events, ways to pray, and more.
The spring semester is in full swing. Here's our most recent newsletter to give you an idea of what we've been up to; despite the challenges of omicron, a lot has been happening! If you want to be on our mailing list and receive newsletters to your inbox, message me (
Upcoming Events
Lent begins this week. Lent, which lasts this year from March 2 through April 16, is a season with a depth of meaning for Christians. It's a time when we remember our limitations as human beings and draw near to God for what we need. It's a time when we remember Jesus's journey toward the cross. It's a time when seek to follow Jesus intentionally, renewing practices of prayer, worship, study, and community. For UKirk, Lent will include regular engagement with Jill Duffield's Lent in Plain Sight: A Devotion through Ten Objects. We'll worship regularly and gather with local congregations for Ash Wednesday and Holy Week. We are also planning to serve Saturday Supper with Woodland Presbyterian and to tour the Martha O'Bryan Center, learning more about some of the challenges faced by our low-income neighbors, including people dealing with homelessness. Watch our Instagram for more regular updates!
Soul & Spirits! Join us for our annual fundraising party, Thursday, March 24, 5:30 to 7:30 PM at the Percy Warner Golf Clubhouse Pavilion (1221 Forrest Park Dr, Nashville, TN 37205). We've chosen an outdoor space to maximize pandemic safety. RSVPs aren't required, but we are encouraging them this year to support our planning after a year's hiatus. Let us know you're coming here.
Prayer Requests
I am continually impressed by UKirk students' gifts and talents, which they generously share not only with our fellowship but with their campuses as well. Students are musicians, athletes, activists, artists, makers, and much more--not to mention considerate roommates and compassionate friends! Please join me in praising God for the particular people God has created them to be, and in asking God to guide them as they explore their vocations. The Presbyterian minister and author Frederick Buechner famously wrote about vocation, "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet." May students discover that special place.
Have a blessed Lent and see you at Soul & Spirits.
Rev. Claire Berry
Campus Minister & Executive Director
UKirk Nashville